Camil Bofill (Torelló, 1957) is a prominent Catalan sculptor and painter. He began his artistic training at the School of Arts and Crafts in Barcelona, where he attended drawing and sculpture classes taught by the sculptor Rosa Martínez Brau. At the same time, he obtained a degree from the Faculty of Fine Arts Sant Jordi in Barcelona.
During the 1980s, Bofill produced important religious works, such as the main altarpiece of the church of Sant Martí de Sobremunt and that of the church of Santa María de Borredà. He also created an altarpiece for the baptistery of the church of Sant Feliu de Torelló.

In 1985, he presented his paintings for the first time in various Catalan cities, including Sant Cugat, Vic, Terrassa, Sitges and Girona.
La década de 1990 fue testigo de una expansión significativa en la carrera de Bofill. Sus obras fueron exhibidas en prestigiosas galerías de Barcelona, como la Galería Lleonart, la Galería Altarriba, la Galería Trama y la Sala Parés. Además, su arte trascendió las fronteras catalanas, llegando a públicos en Madrid y Bilbao. Esta etapa consolidó su posición en el panorama artístico español, destacando por su estilo distintivo y su habilidad para capturar la esencia humana en sus creaciones.
In 2001, he participated in the ARCO International Contemporary Art Fair in Madrid, exhibiting his work at the stand of the Trama Gallery in Barcelona.
Since 2005, Camil Bofill has decided to focus exclusively on sculpture, devoting his time and talent to this discipline. His sculptural work is characterized by a deep exploration of the human figure, combining realism and symbolism to convey complex emotions and narratives. He currently resides in Barcelona, where he continues to create pieces that reflect his artistic evolution and his commitment to excellence in art.